Plot, Crucify, Death, Burial, and Resurrection: o Plot- Matthew 12:9-14; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:6-11 o Jesus withdraws from the attacks Matthew 12:15-21; Mark 3:7-12 o Jesus’ prophecy of His deathx2 Matthew 16:21-28; Mark 8:3...
Jesus Ministry: o Baptism-Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-23 (Gosa- “ When God clears His throat” Dove- mountains above sea level o Wilderness-Matthew 4:11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13 used the Word to defeat the en...
0 to 12 years old: o Angel appears to Mary/ Jesus birth foretold-Luke 1:26-30 Mary's obedience is so powerful o Birth of Jesus-Matthew 2:1 The birth of Christ is one so anticipated that a star shown so bright in the sky o...
Jesus Prophesy o Trinity: 1 God in 3 person- 1 John 5:7 The Godhead (KJV Acts 17:29, Rom 1:20, Col 2:9, 1 John 5:7, Gen 1:26) o Jesus is God. God is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent Omnipresent: present everywhere ...
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvanie and co-host Adnie Gaudin regarding Abraham within Genesis 11:26-32 and Joshua 24:2 T...
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvanie and co-host Adnie Gaudin regarding Noah within Genesis 9:20-24. Noah was a farmer He...
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvanie and co-host Adnie Gaudin regarding Noah within Genesis 8:15-18;20, 21; 9:1, 7-14, 18...
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvanie and co-host Adnie Gaudin regarding Noah within Genesis 8:1-4. The Lord God remembers...
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvanie and co-host Adnie Gaudin regarding Noah within Genesis 7:16, 17; 21-23; Proverbs 18:...
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvanie and co-host Adnie Gaudin regarding Noah within Matthew 24: 37-39; Genesis 7:1, 5-7, ...
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvanie and co-host Adnie Gaudin regarding Noah within Genesis 6:13-16; 7:1, 7, 13. God’s in...
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvanie and co-host Adnie Gaudin regarding Noah within Genesis 6:5; 7-9. Noah is the 10th de...
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvanie and co-host Adnie Gaudin regarding Seth within Genesis 4:25-26. Seth the third son b...
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvanie, Rodson Senat, and co-host Adnie Gaudin regarding the downfall of Cain Genesis 4:19-...
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvanie, Rodson Senat, and co-host Adnie Gaudin regarding the downfall of Cain Genesis 4:16-...