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007. Biblical Dialogue of Eve
007. Biblical Dialogue of Eve
What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host Nicson Silvani…
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Oct. 26, 2020

007. Biblical Dialogue of Eve

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Called By God Podcast

What does having a call on your life look like? The simple answer to this question is to follow the discussion between host  Nicson Silvanie, Rodson Senat, and co-host Adnie Gaudin.


  • Creation of Woman Genesis 2:21
    • Eve: life or living; first woman
    • The Mother of all living
    • Helpmate 
    • Taken out of the man via his rip
  • Eve’s purpose  Genesis 2:22
    • Brought to Adam after God created her from Adam’s rib 
    • Companion, partner, friend protector of Adam’s heart
    • Bare children, keep the home be one flesh with her husband
  • Given dominion over all creation with Adam Genesis 2:23-25
    • She is bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh
    • The first marriage ceremony was performed after Eve was created
    • Make their house a home  

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